Activities Days Out Places

Soft Play: Love It Or Hate It

So many of my friends curl there noses up at the suggestion of meeting at soft play that I have stopped asking and just cut it down to the hardcore who can hack it. I don’t just hack it. I LOVE it. My children were born for soft play – bouncing, climbing, sliding, throwing – all the things I can’t stand them doing in our house.

I feel rather loyal to my local soft play centres – Gambardos Chelsea and Eddie Catz, Putney when they are anything but praised. I have yet to be turned off by the 1) people 2) the hecticness or the 3) lack of cleanliness, which are three of the most common complaints I hear (not about the above I hasten to add)

My 11 month old girl is a dab hand at soft play, having frequented more soft play areas that most under 5’s do in their lifetime. This is the advantage/disadvantage of two older brothers. I see it as an advantage that she gets in mix and is free to bum shuffle around as she pleases without me barking orders like a fish wife to ‘stop putting marbles in your mouth’ which she would do at home.

As Spring descends, most people get excited about getting out of the house into the fresh air. I get excited about the soft play emptying and my little brood bossing it pretty much on their tod, with a few hardcore to boot.

Come join!


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