‘I bet you would really love a girl’ was the most common response when I told people we were having a 3rd baby after 2 boys. It was usually people, acquaintances or people who hadn’t received the memo on what not to say to a hormonal pregnant mother.
Many of my friends have 2 of both sex and the ones that have a ‘Jack and Jill’ pair are perceived as clever or lucky. I have also noticed a pattern emerging that people are more likely to roll the dice on no 3 to get the elusive sex, although I am yet to meet anyone stupid enough to do so without their eyes fully open that it may not go that way.
More on the subject of Gender Swaying in another blog post!
At our 12 week scan, after much Googling of the ‘nub theory’ (see my post on The Nub Theory here) I glimpsed at the monitor and suspected that we were having a girl. I was also fed up of people presuming I wanted a girl.
My best response was ‘Oh I didn’t know there was a choice.’
However my impatience got the better of me and we went for an Early Gender Scan at the The London Ultra Sound Center at 14 weeks to have my suspicions confirmed that we were actually having a girl.
Nb she believed that couples keep having the same sex as they are keep the same routine & habits (food, exercise, bedroom) so best to mix it up! Anyway, we were firstly pleased to hear that the baby was developing well and thrilled that it was a girl although we kept it relatively close to our chest until she actually arrived, not in a smug ‘I’m not telling you what we are having’ – like people actually care that much – but in a way she would have to be seen to be believed.
I enjoyed knowing from the planning perspective and to be armed when the check out girl said ‘hope it’s a girl’ wink wink but the excitement and intimacy that comes from guessing what it is with your other half can’t be beaten…