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Flat White Masterclass With Costa Coffee

I have converted! Having been a plunge coffee kinda girl, after creating my own Flat White on last week , there is no turning back.  Perhaps it is like getting your children to cook their own food – they are more inclined to like it, however the creamy texture, strong kick AND expertly created florette (that all the Costa barista’s have mastered to perfection), will now be my regular.

My friend Jess and I headed to Great Marlborough Street in Soho for a preview of the ‘Flat White Masterclass‘ that Costa is hosting in 170 Costa Coffee’s across the UK on Wednesday 21st September 7-8pm THIS WEEK!  (They are FREE too! Get a babysitter – it’s all about interractive ‘dates’ nowadays anyway!) Sign up here


We were given a bit of background into Costa and how it was started by two brothers in 1977.  We learnt how & where they are grown, about the types of beans, how & when they are picked, roasted, transported and delivered. It was fascinating! The most interesting topic was the different types of coffee’s you can order. Great for the novice’s amongst us who usually just say ‘cappuccino!’


All Costa’s beans are 100% Rainforest Alliance Certified and in 2006 Costa set up a foundation to provide coffee growing communities, 70 countries along the ‘Bean Belt’ (above and below the Equator) and to date they have set up 40 schools.  Then it was time to have a try ourselves. It is easier than it looks!


How a florette on a flat white is meant to look…

How mine looked… (We thought like a sad, fat, genie!) Free pouring isn’t that easy though!


If you are a coffee lover or simply want to do something other that sitting in the pub, grab a friend, sign up and head along. See who can make the most beautiful florette.  It wasn’t me that’s for sure but don’t judge until you have tried!

Costa Masterclass