Family Life

Life Passing You By

Last night, I was reminded by John Lennon’s famous life quote…


It resonated. A lot.

At drop off this morning, first day back after half term, the standard response was to ‘How was your half term?’ was a mix between ‘hectic, busy and exhausting.’

So as the pace is going to hot up in the run up to Christmas, here are Olivia Read’s top tips for slowing down so we can really appreciate life. (Read Olivia’s Spotlight on The London Mummy)

PICK THREE that resonate with you the most and commit to taking action on them TODAY!

DO LESS: In our many roles at home and work, we have a zillion commitments every day. Rather than running around like loopy chickens, we need to take back control. Prioritise what’s really important and what you can let go of. Learn to say no or to delegate. Doing less will actually make you more productive.


SWITCH OFF: Most of us can admit to having an unhealthy attachment to technology. Despite endless studies showing the negative effects this has on us emotionally and on our sleep quality, it seems we’re unable to switch off. Our brains are over-loaded and need downtime. Set yourself a no-screen rule 90 mins before bedtime: no checking emails and no social media.


SPACE: London-living can be overwhelming at times. We need regular space and a hit of nature to replenish us. Creating 20mins of space a day around you and your life will rejuvenate your spirit. Read a book, find a quiet haven for your lunch, meditate – whatever appeals to you but ideally spend that time outside, surrounded in greenery. Study after study shows the positive effects that nature has on our emotional and physical well-being.


DISRUPT: Our lives can be spent doing the same things day in day out. These daily routines and rituals force the weeks to drift by unnoticed as autopilot takes over. Disrupt this process and heighten your consciousness by doing something new. Try taking an alternative, more scenic commute home twice a week or explore a new neighbourhood next time you’re out for dinner.

SINGLE-TASK: We’re a generation of multi-taskers and while it’s easy to think we’re rather efficient, in reality it’s chaotic, stressful and ultimately less productive. Our brains simply aren’t capable of focusing on too many tasks at once. Plan your day into 60min blocks interspersed with short 15min breaks for urgent stuff that’s cropped up and a brain dump. During the longer blocks, switch off all notifications so you can focus wholly on what’s in front of you.

HYGGE: Frequently topping the world’s happiness polls, the Danes could teach us a thing or two. Hygge is their concept of living cosily, appreciating the small things in life with good people. As the nights draw in, embrace winter by hunkering down with friends and family who make you feel whole and rooted. Reconnect with your favourite people and enjoy the simple life.


BE GRATEFUL: It’s easy to lose perspective on the important things in life when we’re busying ourselves with the daily grind. Get some perspective back by creating a daily list every morning of 5 things that you’re thankful for in your life. The simple act will slow you down, quieten the background noise and kick-start your day positively.


BE PRESENT: We spend so much time planning for the future or ruminating over the past, that the present passes us by. By engaging in the here and now, we can experience life to its full. Mindfulness takes practice but you can start with small steps. Commit to being fully present in at least 3 activities a day: a meal, bedtime stories with the children, a work meeting, the playground. No phones, no laptops, a clear mind and enter whole-heartedly into the moment.

BREATHE: When you find yourself speeding up and the stress levels rising, pause and take a deep breath, holding it for 10 seconds. It’ll change the chemistry in your brain, reducing cortisol levels and boosting serotonin levels. Doing this for 10mins a day will help you handle stress more effectively and improve your overall well-being.

SET A GOAL: With our energy focused on a million other things, the days can drift by without any clear direction. Life’s driving us rather than the other way round. We’ve lost sight of what we want in life, our goals. Set yourself a 2-month goal and an action plan for achieving it. The goal will give you purpose and motivate you out of the everyday.

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