Activities Places

Skiing In London

We took an after school activity to a whole different level on Wednesday, when my 5 year old and I went for a joint ski lesson at Chel –Ski in Chelsea, off the Kings Road. We were greeted by the friendly staff and introduced to our coach Kieran who immediately put us both at ease. After 5 years off the ski slopes, I was a little apprehensive about donning ski boots and getting my jelly legs working once again.

Centre 1

Chel-Ski is London’s largest indoor ski centre, which opened on the 10th December right on time for the 2015-16 ski season. From the team behind the phenomenally successful Clip ‘N Climb Chelsea – an indoor climbing wall attraction that has been drawing record crowds since its opening – the appropriately named Chel-Ski provides a fun, safe and controlled setting for ski and snowboard lessons and training, using BASI approved technology.


Hugo went first and was introduced to ‘pizza’ and ‘chips’ (snow plow and parallel) by a very patient coach.


After 15 minutes, it was my turn… I can certainly say it was slightly harder than actual snow and any technical inability is heightened by the revolving carpet, however once I found my feet so to speak, I managed to zone in and pretend I was skiing in Trois Valley! The faces watching us from Clip n Climb where none other than the Jolie Pitt kids (sadly it was lost on Huggy and I had to get excited by myself), so I had to give it my A game in case Mr Pitt was in the vicinity. Then it was H’s turn again and as he was was knackered by the end of the second session, he finished with a spot of tobogganing.


With no lifts or queues, Chel-Ski is the perfect venue in a central location where customers can brush up on existing skills or take their very first steps into the fun-fuelled world of skiing and snowboarding. Expect cool design aesthetics and an engaging environment in which to take to the slopes; the centre features the largest print of the largest panorama ever made of Mont Blanc by In2White, covering an entire wall. Very cool.

They have a range of deals to choose from, from private to group lessons.  This summer there is incredible deal – for £695 you can ski EVERY day for 5 months – May to September. Not only would it be great exercise, there would be no finding your ski legs when it was time to hit the real slopes.

Off the slopes, check out Chel-Ski’s fantastic alpine café where you can relax and enjoy some après-ski, taking advantage of the delicious refreshments on offer.

Cafe 2

In addition to individual bookings, Chel-Ski is also available to hire for family or group bookings, ski themed parties and corporate networking and teambuilding events. Chel-Ski provides an enticing new leisure and party destination in West London.

As we left, a little voice said ‘can I do it every Wednesday after school?’  You have to try it whether you are heading off skiing or not. It’s a great introduction to the slopes (and alot cheaper!)

For further information, please email:

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